Our Church

What we believe

Central to the Church of Scotland is our love and worship of God through following the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ. We express our love for God by our love and practical care for each other and for those we live with and encounter in our daily lives.

We believe the traditional teachings of Christianity, as revealed in the Bible. These include:

  • There is only one God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is in control. He created the world, has shown us what he is like, has a plan to save us, and will one day judge everyone

  • We believe the Word of God, contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the supreme rule of faith and life

  • Everyone does wrong things; it’s part of our nature. That means that everyone is in serious trouble with God. We can be forgiven and freed from the guilt, punishment and power of the wrong things we do, but only because of Jesus’ death. Jesus was being punished instead of us, so our wrong has been completely dealt with.

  • We do not deserve God’s forgiveness. And not only does God forgive us for everything, but he looks on us as being perfect, just as Jesus was perfect. All this is obtained only by faith.

  • God does this through the Holy Spirit acting in people’s lives, turning them away from wrong and towards God, and giving them faith in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit lives in Christians, changing them so that they live more like Jesus, enabling them to live for Jesus in this world.

  • The Church is not a building or an organisation, but is made up of all true Christians throughout the world. Jesus is present in the world today through the Church.

  • Jesus will one day return. He will judge everyone, rightly punishing those who have rejected God’s offer of forgiveness, and welcoming Christians into everlasting glory.

More about Us

The Church of Scotland operates a 'territorial' ministry in which every part of Scotland is served by a church. Elders have responsibility for the caring of those who live in our Parish or the local community, as well as our finances and buildings. Our minister is a minister of 'Word and Sacrament', meaning that her main roles is to lead worship and administer the sacraments. Our minister also performs many other duties including weddings, funerals, visitations and community work.

The Church of Scotland, as part of the Reformed tradition, celebrates two sacraments - Baptism, where people become members of Christ's 'body', the Church, and Holy Communion, where we believe that Christ meets with us, and renews and refreshes us through a meal of bread and wine such as he had with his disciples on the night before his death.

Bonnyrigg has adopted the Unitary Constitution of the Church of Scotland. All matters affecting the spiritual & temporal health of our congregation are managed by the Kirk Session, comprising of Elders and the minister. The members of the Kirk Session are also our charitable trustees.

The spiritual work of the church is devolved to four Ministry Teams: Worship, Nurture, Outreach & Discipleship. They are in turn supported by the Finance, Property & Communication groups. The members of both the Ministry Teams and Support Group include both elders and congregational representatives.

Each group reports back to the Kirk Session at their regular meetings.


This was the first church to be built in Bonnyrigg.

Thomas Pitcairn, the then minister of Cockpen Parish, left the Church of Scotland during the disruption of 1843.

In 1929 the Free Church re-joined the Church of Scotland and the church was renamed as Bonnyrigg Parish Church.

The congregation then built their church in the centre of Bonnyrigg, opening in 1845 as Cockpen United Free Church. They also built their own school opposite the church, this building now being the Church Halls.

The Church is a Charity

Everything that the Church of Scotland does locally, nationally and internationally depends on charitable giving. As part of the Church of Scotland, Bonnyrigg Parish Church members and supporters must meet the cost of ministry, as well as the upkeep of their buildings and the cost of mission locally and further afield. Through Giving to Grow contributions to the central funds of the church, they also support those congregations whose income falls short of meeting all their costs.

As well as its work through local congregations, the Church of Scotland is one of the largest social care providers in the country, employing more than 2,000 staff to support some of Scotland’s most vulnerable people. The Church relies on people like yourself to support its work, and every pound makes a difference, especially if given regularly.

For mor information please visit our giving page

Hall Booking

Our Church Halls are eagerly sought by both Church and Community groups, they in use seven days a week both day time and evening.

Halls and Meeting Rooms are available to rent in both the Church Halls & Pitcairn Centre.

Pitcairn Centre Facilities

There is a Large Hall with a stage (Loudon Hall), the Pitcairn Centre, and a Small Hall to the rear , the Donaldson Hall.

Enquiries to book any of the facilities should be made to our Hall Convenor:

07787 524353 windsong.lyall@gmail.com